Question # 2 is, would I be able with 70 skill Ninjitsu to Shadowjump 100% of times (Stealth teleporting) without ever failing? Now, my # 1 question is, according to if I always stay in Rabbit or Rat form I would get a bonus of +20 Stealth so my Stealthing skill would go to 120 ? that is another reason to have Stealth all the way to 120, so as not to be revelead even if poisoned. Would likely need orange petals to make it up with at least some defense against getting poisoned too easily.
With no Resisting Spells at all, this character is extremely weak so, it basically rely entirely on be able to hide no matter what AND, staying hidden no matter what. Unless I made a mistake, A Ring/Bracelet with 15 Stealing/Stealth/Magery on + 16 LRC would cost, in materials needed, 4 x Magical Residue and 8 x Amber